Stant Manufacturing


Reduction in energy overhead

Pine Bluff LED Lighting Upgrade

Fixtures retrofitted


Estimated annual savings


Estimated kW savings

230,691.20 kW

Estimated kWh savings

1,797,573.08043 kWh

Utility incentive


Customer cost


Slashing energy costs and boosting worker productivity

Switching to new LED lighting for this Pine Bluff manufacturing facility has been a game-changer, reducing energy expenses to just 82% of their pre-refit status. The bottom line? Energy savings exceeding $130,000 annually. But for this great company it’s a whole lot more than dollars and cents: it’s about a brighter, more efficient workplace. LEDs last longer, reducing the need for replacements and saving on maintenance. While the plant enjoys a drop in utility costs, workers benefit from a well-lit environment that can enhance focus and efficiency. This upgrade is a strategic move towards operational excellence, emphasizing cost savings and improved workplace quality.

About Stant Manufacturing

Stant, globally recognized in the automotive sector, anchors its reputation on innovation and quality. Its Pine Bluff facility highlights the company’s local impact, contributing significantly to the area’s economy and providing valuable jobs. Click here to learn more.

See the difference A-1 LED made for this local Southeast Arkansas company



Claim your 100% no obligation energy audit and find out just how much $$$ you could be saving every month

Our expert technicians will assess your current lighting setup, pinpoint areas for improvement, and deliver a personalized report that outlines potential savings and recommends some great LED solutions.

Reduce your energy costs as much as 70%

Improve team safety and morale

Keep your workplace federally compliant

Enjoy a 5-year warranty

Senior executive team of A-1 LED, with founder Nelson Mears at the center, standing behind the company's branded reception desk in Arkansas, representing the brand's leadership and commitment to quality service.

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